We offer a variety of treatments including: Acupuncture, Massage, Yi Jing and Herbal Consultations. Callan also teaches Qi Gong. Once you make an Appointment, we will need some paperwork and have suggestions in preparation for your session.
Acupuncture is a tool used in Chinese medicine to bring the body back into balance, healing patterns of disease. There are 20 acupuncture channels and about 365 acupuncture points located all over the body. Blockages in these channels can cause pain and illness to occur. Acupuncture points used on these channels give specific messages to the body to redirect its normal functioning. Moxibustion, Gua sha, cupping, Tui Na massage, essential oils and herbs are supportive techniques which may be used during your session.
Moxibustion, a form of heat therapy, is sometimes used to complement the acupuncture treatment. Gua sha is a technique used to promote circulation in the muscle layer and release toxins in the body using scraping tool such as a ceramic spoon or an animal horn. Cupping involves suctioned cups that slide along the body. Gua sha and cupping are often used to alleviate symptoms of muscular pain and the beginnings of respiratory illnesses. They detox the muscles by breaking up extra capillaries the body has created to store toxins, often produced by stress, illness and injury.
New Patient Acupuncture: 1 hour 45 minutes, $200.
The initial treatment begins with a thorough review of your health history and chief complaints followed by an herbal consultation and your first acupuncture / bodywork treatment. Booking sequential treatments ahead of time is recommended to ensure availability for continuity of care. Follow-up treatments in the beginning is best every 1-3 weeks. Cost does not include herbs.
Follow-up Treatment: 1 hour
$110 with Callan & $100 with Chynna
Includes a consultation to review symptoms and improvements, followed by acupuncture / bodywork treatment. Booking sequential treatments ahead of time is recommended to ensure availability for continuity of care.
Extended Treatment: 1 hour 30 minutes
$165 with Callan & $150 with Chynna
For those looking to extend the consultation or acupuncture / bodywork time for deeper integration.
12 Year Olds and Under New Patient: 1 hour
$110 with Callan & $100 with Chynna
Followup treatments 12 and Under: 35 minutes
$55 with Callan & $50 with Chynna
We welcome people of all ages, including 12 year olds and under. Must be accompanied by an adult.
Practitioners: Callan Welder or Chynna Shipp
The goal of each massage session is to achieve measurable results that will help to reduce pain, inflammation and increase your body’s capacity to heal itself. You may select a 30, 60 or 90 minute session or an hour and fifteen minute Thai massage. Massage is excellent for general health, stress reduction, anxiety relief or relaxation, and can also help address a wide variety of clinical issues such as sciatica, tennis elbow, tension headaches, acute and chronic pain, low back pain, TMJ dysfunction, plantar fascitis, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and frozen shoulder. We also offer pregnancy and post-partum massage.
Massage: 30 minutes, $50 | 60 minutes, $85 | 90 minutes, $130.
Your practitioner will assess your needs and work with you to create a massage session to address your specific health goals.
Practitioners: Ruthy Celis or Philip Kendall
Thai Massage: 1 hour 30 minutes, $130.
An alternative to table massage. This technique is experienced fully clothed and on a floor mat. Thai massage combines acupressure, yoga, and massage to create a truly holistic massage experience. Great for tight and stiff muscles as the treatment integrates movement and stretching.
Practitioner: Ruthy Celis
Qi Gong
Qi Gong (pronounced chee-gong) is a low impact, internal movement art that increases flexibility through a series of standing movements. Callan Welder has been practicing Qi Gong for more than fifteen years and has had the great pleasure of studying with expert teachers from America and China. He is certified under Daoist Priest, Master Wu Dang Chen. QiGong is a way to prevent disease and improve health as a holistic approach to exercise.
Nourish Life Qi Gong Class
Thursdays 10-11am
MagicTown Movement Studio on the Island in Marshall, Studio #208
Drop-in classes are $10-15, sliding scale
10 - class cards are $100
Unlimited Monthly Passes are $50
Instructor: Callan Welder
Yi Jing Consultation
Yi Jing Consultaion: 1 hour, $110.
This form of Chinese astrology gives recommendations to individuals, families and businesses, offering opportunities for changes and synchronizing life patterns to manifest their fullest potential.
Practitioner: Callan Welder
Herbal Consultation
Herbal Consultation Follow-up: 35 minutes, $55
Review of symptoms and treatment plan followed by prescription of herbal formula.
Practitioner: Callan Welder and Chynna Shipp
Please arrive 20 minutes early to fill out the necessary paperwork if you have not printed it out ahead of time.
Preparation for session:
Wear loose, comfortable clothing. This allows us to access different points on the body.
Please eat something at least a few hours before your appointment.